Friday, December 21, 2007


Dear Friends and Family,

THANK YOU for your prayers, cards, emails, calls and visits. We didn't open any of Daniel's cards while he was in the ICU. As he became alert, he would open a few each day. The first few he opened like birthday cards expecting money to fall out. I told him they were filled with prayers not money. Your words describing Daniel's smile and hugs were ingrained in his mind. While at school, in the hospital, he had to write a bio-poem. In this poem he had to write two words that described him and he wrote, SMILES and HUGS. He heard your words and took them to heart. Your words of encouragement gave us strength to get through each day!

The last four months have tested our faith and been an opportunity to gain wisdom. It is a shame that both are strengthened and gained through adversity. My favorite prayer throughout my life has been "The Serenity Prayer", God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: courage to change those things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Little did I know that this prayer would be my breath prayer and help me determine my path.

I so very much appreciate my Mom and Dad being with us every step of the way. They were always there offering support and encouragement. Mom and I would laugh as one would say exactly what the other was thinking. Daniel was quick to tell others that Jean-Jean got him in the clinical trial at UNC. Aunt Kim stayed with us offering Mom a break to return home and get some much needed rest. Kim took care of Shotgun, Daniel's fish, spoiled Daniel and helped me with leg work. He knows their steadfast love never wavers.

I'm sending a huge THANK YOU to my dear friend, Jessica Blackburn, for keeping each of you informed in the most poetic way. Jessica has a gift of putting thoughts into words. I've told her more than once she sure made me sound smart:) Tommy and I appreciate her daily devotion to delivering you the news on Daniel.

THANK YOU, also, to friends and my brother and sister-in-law, Greg and Connnie, for keeping Gatlin's life and routine as normal as possible. They picked him up from football practice, fed him delicious food and helped him study for tests. Your help gave us a peace of mind. Gatlin is a great brother, wonderful son and a lot of fun!

We are creating a new normal in our home. Each day is getting a little easier and more comfortable. Daniel thinks I have to be at his side every minute yet he has the knowledge to train the nurses on his care:) He told the home health care nurse to suction going in and out, he reminds her of the length on the suction catheter and gets supplies for her when needed. Aunt Angela, Tommy's sister, comes by each day to offer help and moral support.

Daniel's fight to survive has amazed many people. He left the ICU nurses and doctors in awe as he was rolled to the trach floor the doctors said, "There goes our mascot." His spirit impressed his care givers as they continued to visit and watch his recovery.

Daniel will begin homebound school next week. It was recommended that he stay out of school during the flu season. He will miss his friends but this time allows him to gain strength and rest when needed.

Please come by when you have a minute to visit. Daniel's days get long and a new face is always welcome. You can continue to blog Daniel, he enjoys hearing from each of you. Once again, thank you for your unconditional love shown to our family. We are truly blessed!

Hugs and smiles,


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to the Jones Family! Wishing you much happiness and good health in 2008! Dr. Wood and I were doing a bronch. today, and we once again had to relive my first bronch. with you as my challenge. I think that experience will not only stay with me but also be remembered by Dr. Wood for a very long time! Hope everything is going well!

Dr. Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR. I just know 2008 is going to be a happy and healthy year for you Daniel. You certainly are deserving of it. You are still and will always be in my constant prayers. I will be by to see you soon. Much Love- Julie F.

Anonymous said...

Karen, I have Daniel in my prayers, and I love the strength of character and faith he has learned from you and Tommy. much love, Gina F. Brazil

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody, Happy New Year!! I am eating and sleeping better. I still have to be suctioned a lot. I have gained 12 lbs. Gatlin and I got a Wii for Christmas. I am pretty good at beating Mom and Dad bowling. Baseball and golf are harder. Mom enjoys the tennis but has yet to win:)
I will be going back to Cincinnati on Feb. 5th for an appointment with Dr. Wood. I hope my stay is short.
I haven't been hunting lately because it is so cold here, that stinks:(
Dr. Elizabeth, tell everyone in your office hi for me. I will see you soon.
I start homebound school Monday. My teacher will come on Mon. and Wed. for 1 1/2 hours each day.
I hope you had a nice holiday.
Thanks for blogging and keep praying,